Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goodbye October!

October has come and gone.  Did the entire family have busy fun?  You betcha! Ah, but November brings the Yule season closer and closer.  A spending we will go.  Oh, how I love the Holidays!  But, I think I'm jumping the gun here.  There were some fun happenings toward the end of October that's worth sharing. There were pancakes, zombies, new specs, 10 Million $ ads, pumpkins, dressing up and lots of candy!

Like a good book, here are pictures for a better read!

A's class had a pancake breakfast fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Ike and Gustav.   They raised a whopping $353! A big accomplishment from their small class.

A looking all scholarly and handsome in his first set of eyeglasses.  

Seattle participates in an annual Zombie Walk.  A had fun mingling with the undead.

10 Million dollars later, this sign (and more of it) is all you will see.  

The annual family pumpkin carving. 
(I like to take the pictures and give orders instead.)

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