Monday, November 17, 2008

Zombies have been unleashed!

After much ado about everything, L4D is open for business!  So, as tribute to this milestone, here's my list of Top Four (In no particular order).

Top 4 Movies:
1.Before Sunrise
2.Moulin Rouge
3.Notting Hill
4. Juno

Top 4 Bands:
1. Cardigans
2. Travis
3. Sundays
4. Highwire

Top 4 Books:
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Harry Potter Series
3. Stardust

Top 4 Eats:
2. Dried Fish/Buwad
3. Bacon
4. Boba

Top 4 People:
1. My uber talented and super sexy P.
2. My brilliant first born.
3. My charismatic second born.
4. You.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm glad we're not poor.

I had a craving to bake.  So bake I did.  A chocolate sheet cake that has enough calories for 99 people.  My first attempt at this wasn't so much to my liking.  So, I wanted another chance to love this cake because just about everyone that's made it has.
The second time wasn't a charm.  Although the family loved it, I guess I'm just not going to be its biggest fan.  A enjoyed it so much.  His gratitude went something like this:

Me:  I don't think this is going to taste like before or if it will even taste better.

A:  I'm sure it's going to be good.  Everything you make tastes good.  

(A taking his first bite)

A: Oh my gosh, Mama!  This is the best!  I think it's even better than last time.

Me: Aw, Thanks! (My heart does the happy dance.)

(A takes more bites)

A: I'm glad we're not poor.

Me: What made you say that?

A:  I was just thinking about this book I read that had some sisters that were poor.  I can't remember the title. They couldn't afford anything.

Me: What's the rest of the story about then?

A: (Proceeds to tell me the story which sounds like Little Women)

Me: Aw, that's a sad and happy story. (My brain has come up with a brilliant beyond brilliant idea to make the most out of the situation.)

Me: I want our family or just you and me to do more charity work for the holidays.  Tell me what you think of this one idea.  How about you make your Christmas wishlist and from that list pick one item that you'd like to donate instead of receiving.  Will you do it?

A: Sure!  I can list down Barbie doll house and pick the Barbie doll house to donate.  (Cracking himself up.)
I am a proud mom.  I should bake more often.

In memoriam.

Eating the best chocolate cake tastes Heavenly.
Getting a back massage feels Heavenly.
A vacation is Heavenly.

We all associate the pleasures in life with a celestial feeling.  Yet, we can never agree that Heaven exists. Personally, I want to believe it does.  I want to believe that it has this huge population of all the lovely people I knew that have passed.  There they eat whatever they want without gaining weight.   They have parties to celebrate each other. Every. Single. Day.  They have intellectual discussions, never arguments, about politics, race and well, religion.  There they treat each other like a king or a queen or a president or a rock star.  It is always a vacation there.  And they, quite possibly,  may have the best chocolate cake. 

What is your Heaven like?

*Karen, you've been missed... 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Them kids

Why so sad Wall-e?

 I think I miss Eve.  I think I...what the..?!

Ack!  Where'd my pinky go?

             Hey, Gnome.  You seen a finger around here?

Not here.

Ooh, I wonder if this is it.

Better trade it in for some candy.

Goodbye October!

October has come and gone.  Did the entire family have busy fun?  You betcha! Ah, but November brings the Yule season closer and closer.  A spending we will go.  Oh, how I love the Holidays!  But, I think I'm jumping the gun here.  There were some fun happenings toward the end of October that's worth sharing. There were pancakes, zombies, new specs, 10 Million $ ads, pumpkins, dressing up and lots of candy!

Like a good book, here are pictures for a better read!

A's class had a pancake breakfast fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Ike and Gustav.   They raised a whopping $353! A big accomplishment from their small class.

A looking all scholarly and handsome in his first set of eyeglasses.  

Seattle participates in an annual Zombie Walk.  A had fun mingling with the undead.

10 Million dollars later, this sign (and more of it) is all you will see.  

The annual family pumpkin carving. 
(I like to take the pictures and give orders instead.)