Monday, June 29, 2009

She's black, He's white. She's white, He's black.

I was never a truly big fan. But, the guy is a pop icon. He was quite the entertainer whether he was doing it deliberately or privately.

Farewell talent.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I read all sorts of blogs every single day. From that, I've learned a few things:

1. I'm not as creative as I think I am.

2. I'm not that great of a cook.

3. I did not invent the intranets.

So, yes, reading blogs ups my insecurity level. With that said, it has inspired me to try my hand at all these wonderful crafts and recipes out there. Here's one that I've coughed up so far.

Square one

Here's me trying to get my act together and finally back to writing some updates.
Stay tuned.